Thursday, March 5, 2020

Costa Mesa Tutor Tips 4 Reasons to Multitask While Studying

Costa Mesa Tutor Tips 4 Reasons to Multitask While Studying Tips from a Private Costa Mesa Tutor: 4 Reasons to Multitask While Studying Most college students talk about the need to focus on important assignments and how to improve their overall concentration. At the same time, students have a ton of jobs to complete in a relatively short time span. During their first year of college, students will experiment with different ways to study and eventually find out what method works best for them. Although there is no right or wrong way for an individual to study, in many cases learning to multitask while studying can present a benefit. Students can find out how to block outside distractions as well as save time when they get closer to their deadlines. Although certain assignments will require intense focus, other academic activities are essentially busy work or organization, which can be done as part of a multitasking activity Learn how to study more efficiently with the help of a private Costa Mesa academic tutor from TutorNerds. 1. Help improve focus In some cases, multitasking can help improve focus. These days, students are taught to do several things at once, and so their minds tend to think about multiple things at one time. As a result, focusing on just one activity can be a challenge. If students are attempting to work on a challenging task such as editing a research paper, they might consider listening to music simultaneously or doing a few chores at the same time. Listening to music can often help students focus on one thing because it occupies the parts of the brain that need additional simulation. Also, if students complete a few chores around their dorm or apartment, their brain can take a short break from the task at hand and even make it easier in the long run (READ: Students Guide to Study Breaks). 2. Block out background distractions Living in a dorm or student apartment also presents a lot of distractions, noise, and temptations to veer away from study. If students put in their headphones, for example, they may be able to block out some or all of those issues and focus on their assignments. Additionally, students may be able to prevent stressful issues such as writers block by keeping their sketchbook nearby or occupying the brain with simple tasks such as creating flashcards to persevere through longer assignments such as research papers or exam study. 3. Get busy work completed Although university life will present more real world assignments, there will still be a fair amount of busy work to get done. Students will often procrastinate when it comes to such tasks as creating an outline or writing flashcards and, as a result, they often dont get completed. If students fill out a few flash cards here and there while simultaneously working on a longer assignment, theyre more likely to finish all of their tasks. Its important for students to keep a list of all of their smaller assignments so they can prioritize based on deadlines and due dates (READ: Music and Studying: Good or Bad for Students). 4. Save time In some instances, students will simply have to multitask while studying to meet a deadline. Many college courses give students several days or even weeks to finish longer assignment, but there will also be some short-range due dates. If students can master the ability to multitask while studying, they will be more likely to meet their due dates in the long run. Its important for college freshmen to experiment with their study habits and learn what works best for them. Perhaps they will be able to multitask on some assignments but will need to be able to give their sole focus for certain topics. It is essential for students to discover their learning style so they can be successful on their individual educational path. Students can learn valuable studying skills from their private Costa Mesa tutor from TutorNerds. Book your back to school tutor today! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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